Developer installation#

Clone pyHiM repository#

  1. Create a folder where you want to install pyHiM and go inside to clone the repository. Standard location to do it is: $HOME/Repositories/pyHiM

mkdir $HOME/Repositories
cd $HOME/Repositories
  1. Choose your clone method between HTTPS or SSH key:

    • HTTPS

      git clone
    • SSH

      git clone
  2. Open your $HOME/.bashrc using nano

nano $HOME/.bashrc
  1. Add the following line to the end

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Repositories/repo-marcnol/pyHiM/src"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Repositories/repo-marcnol/pyHiM/src/toolbox/file_handling"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Repositories/repo-marcnol/pyHiM/src/postProcessing"

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Repositories/repo-marcnol/pyHiM/src"
export MPLBACKEND=agg


Make sure you change .../Repositories/... with your directory name (step 1.) if this is not where you put pyHiM !

Install conda#

Follow the Miniconda instructions:

Automatically configure pyHiM#

Run this command in your terminal:

conda env create -f environment.yml


If you get this error: ImportError: Dask\'s distributed scheduler is not installed.

You solve by running pip install dask[complete] distributed --upgrade.

Install apifish module#

  1. Navigate where you want install apifish

cd $HOME/Repositories
  1. Choose your clone method between HTTPS or SSH key:

    • HTTPS

      git clone
    • SSH

      git clone
  2. Switch on development branch

cd apiFISH && git checkout development
  1. Update PYTHONPATH env variable by adding the following line to your local ~/.bashrc

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Repositories/apiFISH"

Additional installation to generate documentation#

conda install sphinx
conda install -c conda-forge myst-parser
conda install -c conda-forge sphinxcontrib-mermaid
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-panels
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx_rtd_theme

Update PYTHONPATH env variable, for fileProcessing scripts documentation, by adding the following line to your local ~/.bashrc

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Repositories/pyHiM/src/fileProcessing"

Test pyHiM#

  • The tests use the pytest module.

  • The test resources are inside pyhim-small-dataset. It’s a sub-module of pyHiM, so to get the dataset you need to run:

    • git submodule update --init --recursive OR

    • git clone --recurse-submodules <HTTPS/SSH>

  • To run the tests:

cd ~Repositories/pyHiM/
conda activate pyhiM39
pytest tests/ -vv

Additional installation to generate documentation#

conda install sphinx
conda install -c conda-forge myst-parser
conda install -c conda-forge sphinxcontrib-mermaid
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-panels
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx_rtd_theme

Update PYTHONPATH env variable, for fileProcessing scripts documentation, by adding the following line to your local ~/.bashrc

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Repositories/pyHiM/src/fileProcessing"

Build documentation locally#

Install in your conda env:

pip install nbsphinx ipython sphinx-book-theme
conda install pandoc

Generate documentation:

cd docs/
make html

A build/html/ folder has been created with a index.html file inside, open it with your favorite browser.

Script installation for super-computer centers (e.g. Meso-LR)#

To access the private repository of pyHiM, please first create an SSH key and put it in your keyring. Follow the steps described here.

Then run the following automatic script:


# load conda
module load  python/Anaconda/3-5.1.0

# create environment and install packages
conda create --name pyHiM python=3.7.2 dask numpy matplotlib astropy scikit-learn pandas
conda activate pyHiM
conda install photutils -c astropy
pip install mrc roipoly tqdm stardist csbdeep pympler
pip install --upgrade tensorflow

# api-fish
cd $HOME/Repositories
git clone
cd apifish && git checkout development
echo 'export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/Repositories/apiFISH"'  >> ~/.bashrc

# clone pyHiM
cd $HOME/Repositories
git clone
git checkout development

# settings
ln -s $HOME/Repositories/pyHiM/src/toolbox/file_handling/ $HOME/bin/cleanHiM