toolbox.parameter_file package#


toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters module#


Return True if entry_value is a number power of 2, else return False.


Convert string in integer, and return the integer, else return the string ‘None’ (=no limit in the number of spot detection)

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.check_dict(string: str)#

Check if the string correspond to a dictionary, return True if is the case, else return False.


Return True if all parameters have good type expected, else return False with a pop-up error window

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.convert_dic_to_string(dic: dict)#

Convert a dictionnary {‘nuclei’:’DAPI’,’mask1’:’mask0’} to a simple string: ‘nuclei: DAPI, mask1: mask0’.

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.convert_list_to_string(liste: list)#

Convert a list of type [‘masking’,’clustering’] to a sting of type ‘’.

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.convert_string_to_dictionnary(string: str) dict#

Convert a string to a dictionary

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.import_parameters(script_dir, current_dir=None)#

Function that imports the parameters from the parameters.json located in the script directory. If there is a current directory parameter the parameters are imported from the parameters.json located in priority from the current directory. Return the parameters are stored in a dictionary


Return True if num is an integer or float, else return False if string


Return True if num is an integer, else return False

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.match_name(reg_expression, string_name)#

Test string_name with regular expression, return True if the string_name is in the form ‘RT+integer’

toolbox.parameter_file.function_parameters.update_parameters(user_values_dic, parameters_dic_full, current_dir)#

” 1-Save old parameters from parameters_dic_full in parameters_preversion.json in current directory. 2-Save new parameters from user_values_dic in parameters.json in current directory.

toolbox.parameter_file.info_parameters module#

toolbox.parameter_file.pyhim_parameters module#


Module contents#