Reporting bugs and feature requests#

The issue tracking system is available on GitHub in the marcnol/pyHiM repository.

For documentation reviewer#

1. Clone pyHiM repository#

Create a folder where you want to install pyHiM and go inside to clone the repository. Standard location to do it is: $HOME/Repositories/pyHiM

mkdir $HOME/Repositories
cd $HOME/Repositories

Choose your clone method between HTTPS or SSH key:


    git clone
  • SSH

    git clone

2. Switch on the documentation branch#

For pyHiM version 0.6.0, the online documentation is based on development branch:

git checkout development

Don’t forget to update your local development branch with remote development:

git pull

3. Create a new branch for your modification#

Create and switch on this new branch:

git checkout -b doc/name_of_my_branch

4. Fix what you want#

You’re reading the online documentation and you find something to fix:

  • Check your web link like

  • With your file editor, go to pyHiM > docs > source > user_guide >

  • Fix what you want

5. Share your modifications#

  • git add -A

  • git commit -m "write your message here"

  • git push

  • Create a pull request on github

  • wait for a developer to validate the PR